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Any advice or pointers on printing? I want to gift these to nerds I like.

As a PDF-only person, I am sadly lacking printing knowledge :( Perhaps someone else has recommendations?

No big deal, I did some asking around and some research and I think I can get Acrobat Reader or MSWord to print to booklets...I'll let you know what I find out. =)

Awe Some!

Hi, this looks really good! Can you explain damage rolls? Do different character classes have different base damage, or do you just roll what the weapon says (e.g. 1d6 for light weapon, plus any ability mods like Backstab)?

Thank you :)


Nope, all classes have the same base damage. Damage increases on certain levels (eg. 1d6 to 2d6 at 5th level; magic users 2d6+lvl to 3d6+lvl). Weapons and skills can modify damage too. So yes, 1d6 for light weapons (that can also re-roll damage if used as a secondary weapon (two handed fighting)) plus mods like Backstab.

Hope you enjoy!

Wanted to say I love this system and plan on using it for a campaign and podcast! :)


Thanks a bunch, pmuni! Feel free to link your pod here when it’s ready. Would love to have a listen!

Deleted 321 days ago

BUGS! Nice… will have a listen

we really hope you like it!!